Hi There, Thank you for taking the time to learn about our company! Our story is pretty well.... pretty average American. We were young once (lol) and we worked at an outboard engine dealer. We had the idea that we could make a better, high quality, awesome customer service boat engine dealership. So we did what most (crazy) young go getters want to do. We bought the company we worked for and struck out to make waves (no pun intended) in our little slice of this industry. So far we have managed to grow our dealership and improve what quality service really means in the local boating community. Along the way we got married, bought our building and expanded our company, had our amazing 2nd kiddo Jess, our #1 gave a us a grandson, we made some money, and we've lost some money. The whole time we have had a blast because we work in an industry that brings fun to people and families lives. We love our job! We love fishing, boating, skiing, snorkling, scalloping..... anything that gets us on the boat. And we want you too have the same great time that means so much in our family.
Now we want to turn our attention to improving boating not only for our local clients, but all our fellow boaters. Bargain Boater is our latest brain child. We are probably alot like you... Avid boaters, fisherman, parents, spouses and alot more fun and interesting things. We all want alot of the same stuff. Reasonable prices, Good access to a wide variety of choices, and help figuring out what we need or how to use it from a trusted source. We created Bargain Boater to bring you better, broader access to boating goods AND give you the info to properly use them. We hope you find our site easy to use and full of the data you need. We always love to hear from you with suggestions. So if you find something we can do better, please, let us know.
In closing, Thank you so much for checking out our site! We know where you shop is a choice and we sincerely appreciate your choice to be here shopping on BargainBoater.com!
Thank you! Your boating friends,
Bob & Kendra Burke